First peaks and views. How many members does the EU have? Yes, exactly 27. How many peaks does Jarda Zaoral want to conquer? All 27.
He designed and planned an expedition in which he wants to reach the summits of the highest mountains of the EU member states. Let’s find out where the highest and the lowest summit of the EU are.
Now we join Jarda at the first summit.
1st SUMMIT: Estonia, Suur Munamägi
We are starting in Estonia. Its highest mountain, Suur Munamägi, lies in the Haanja looduspark and is only 318 meters high. Let's see if it's low enough to be the lowest of the highest European peaks. Slowly we are getting started. No tremendous performances, dangerous glaciers or ice clampons needed. There is a lookout tower at the summit. A pleasant hike for the beginning of the challenge. Jarda commented: "beautiful view and atmosphere."
Jarda's tip: "Bring a lot of insect repellent."
2nd SUMMIT: Lithuania - Ganzilkans
The second one, in the competition for the lowest summit, was the Ganzilkans, which is only 311 meters. This was our second hike, and Jarda was slightly disappointed. Everything was closed, empty, and above all: "There was a small tower at the top, but there was no view from it at all." However, the countryside, the road, and the capital city of Riga have made up for the disappointing hike. The Lithuanian experience was still very enjoyable.
Jarda's tip: "Be careful what you order in restaurants. I ordered a soup. And I was served a bowl full of something cold and pink. But after all, it was good! "
3rd SUMMIT: Latvia - Aukštojas
We continue to drop in altitude! Latvian Aukštojas is only 294 meters high and is thus taking the lead in the competition for the lowest European peak. Will it stay in the lead? We will see! So how was this champion-mountain-climb? Jarda was excited about it. There was a really incredible view from the lookout tower as well as a beautiful church and fortress nearby.
Jarda's tip: "I recommend to reserve enough time for Aukštojas and it is best to go there for sunrise and sunset. It's worth it."